Saturday, March 31, 2012

Finish line

Wow, thirty-one days!  I made it through my first Slice of Life challenge. Maybe I should celebrate with a new thirty -one bag. ;)  I wondered many times if I would make it, but I did.  I didn't know what I would write about, who would read, or how I would fit it into my schedule in the beginning.   Now I question what will I do with my blog now that the challenge is complete.  I think I will revisit on Tuesdays and return to the challenge next year.  I am also working with a co-teacher on ideas to use this with the kids all year.   Great challenge! Thanks for giving me the opportunity to participate!


  1. I love your thinking about celebrating with a new thirty-one bag!! Maybe I should consider my first bag from them?? Something to think about....

  2. I enjoyed reading all of your slices. You will have to share if you come up with a good way to use your blog with kids.

  3. It was my first time, too. What a fantastic way to join in a community. Love the idea of continueing on Tuesdays. I am really going to try to do that, too!

  4. Most definitely get a 31 bag to celebrate! :) It is as good of a reason as any I can think of. Maybe I will join you...oh, I just bought some last week!
    Keep doing the blog. It would be a great memory record of the boys.
